Maximized Good, Minimized Time

Effective volunteerism/activism opportunities, charitable funds, and newsletters.





Considered a top charity by Animal Charity Evaluators' strict evidence-based criteria (see reasons to trust them), Faunalytics produces research to improve the effectiveness of animal advocacy and provide evidence to animal advocates' arguments. Faunalytics collected data on consumers' acceptance of cultured meat for one of many examples. Faunalytics offers a monthly or weekly newsletter featuring the latest updates on its discoveries at the forefront of animal well-being research (a must-read for animal advocates). Its volunteer opportunities are more time-involved than our minutes-long actions but are likely among the highest-impact actions we've researched. Click the link to see what volunteer roles Faunalytics is currently looking for.

80,000 Hours

Your career is 80,000 hours long. That's a long time, so it makes sense to think about it critically. Over 60 studies agree that the most fulfilling and enjoyable jobs are those that have a positive impact, so it's a good idea to prioritize doing good in your career. The team at 80,000 hours help you build a satisfying and beneficial career from start to finish: What it means to do good, how to do more of it rather than less, career guides, application advice, and so on. They offer a career guide (with a two-minute summary) helping you think through your career and, once you have flexible plans, a newsletter of job opportunities that do maximal good.

Reimagining Protein

The Good Food Institute (GFI) is among Giving Green and Animal Charity Evaluators' top recommendations (as of July 2023). The GFI's team aims to fix meat production, which is currently a key contributor to climate change, environmental disorder, pandemic risk, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria (to say nothing of its harm to animals). They work through myriad channels: funding & ideas for research, aiding producers, political advocacy, and more. The GFI produces various specialized newsletters, but the GFI's general option, Reimagining Protein, appears to be the best newsletter for keeping you informed about the alt protein sphere.

The Climate Crisis

Bill McKibbon is a prominent voice in the realm of environmentalism and co-founder of His newsletter in the New Yorker (for which you do not need to subscribe to the New Yorker) a strong free way to stay up-to-date on climate change. The Climate Crisis compliments the NYT's Climate Forward (our other recommended climate newsletter), as it provides a space for a somewhat more opinionated and persuasive perspective than that of the New York Times.

The Optimist

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is a global health & development philanthropy leader, working in 141 countries and giving $71 billion to date. Published by its learned experts, the BMGF's newsletter, the Optimist, focuses on novel solutions and ideas and emphasizes celebrating successes in the long battle against global poverty.

Africa & South Asia Briefs

Africa and South Asia have the most people living in extreme poverty. Hence, for anyone seeking to reduce poverty and alleviate its health effects, it is crucial to be informed on developments in these regions. Understanding these areas' politics, economics, and culture is useful to ensure the success of efforts to help. For this, Foreign Policy offers two convenient briefs, one for Africa and another for South Asia.

Climate Forward

The New York Times has earned worldwide acclaim for its dedication to fact-based journalism. Its climate newsletter (which is unfortunately only available to subscribers) is a solid way to learn more about climate change, from its effects to its discourse to its solutions (including both policy and technical innovation, though emphasizing the former). It complements Bill McKibbon's newsletter, the Climate Crisis, because it provides a purer representation of information while McKibbon provides fuller insight, persuasion, and opinion.

Global Health NOW

The Global Health NOW (GHN) newsletter was created to update subscribers on global health developments in an easy-to-scan format. While health in low-income countries is likely the highest priority, GHN doesn't focus specifically on health in the poorest areas and opts for a broader view. Still, most issues discuss the least developed nations in at least one section.

Impactful Animal Advocacy

The Impactful Animal Advocacy newsletter aims to provide regular, concise updates on the latest news, developments, and resources in the animal advocacy space.